Wednesday Night | 7PM

Bible Study.

Wednesday Night Online Bible Study.

The prime objectives of RCC are that each member is personally devotional, joins online Bible Study, participates in a ministry, and considers serving at RCC. The Church shall determine the devotional reading material for weekly bible study which each member is strongly encouraged to participate in-person or online.

Our Wednesday Night Let’s Talk Bible Study at 7PM EST provides us the ability to accomplish our primary objectives of deeply engaging each member and fulfilling the mission statement of RCC. Wednesday Night Bible Study is our weekly devotional component, as well as our means to give quality care to each person and family at RCC. The Wednesday Night Bible Study is an online place of fellowship, information, prayer, care, leadership development, and missions.

Connect. Commit. Worship.

Here at Restoration Church, we are dedicated to serving the needs of others while building relationships with all people. You will find awesome people, support for your destiny, and a variety of resources and information. No matter who you are and where you’re from or at, there is a place for you. We want to help you become a fully mature disciple of Jesus Christ.

The way you do that here is simple: You Connect. Commit. Worship.

An authentic Christian discipleship community of faith, love, and healing.

Restoration Church values the relationships we currently have and those we will make in the future. We encourage those who connect, to commit and worship with others so that they too can experience a new life in Christ.

Dealing with hard times or facing spiritual warefare? Contact one of our prayer warriors today.

Interested in becoming a member of Restoration Church? The steps are easy as 1-2-3.

We encourage those within our church community to commit their lives to God and service to His work.

We invite you to join our weekly bible study community.

Gathering with people, who like you, dedicate time to their spiritual growth is a different kind of community. Let’s Talk, the weekly devotional series at Restoration Church, is that kind of community. Come connect, be inspired and motivated by the word of God every Wednesday online at 7PM EST. Join us this week!